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Old Mar 02, 2006, 06:17 PM // 18:17   #101
Krytan Explorer
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Let us know if you achieve Sir Skulkcrasher! I'm going to try calling a little bit to see if I can find someone with an IQ to help out. My wife actually checked for me at Fry's Electronics yesterday and one of the managers looked. He actually went to the GW website and saw the release there but was just as confused as the rest of us. They didn't have anything in their system at all (SKU, release date, etc) so...*shrugs* who knows.
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Old Mar 02, 2006, 06:33 PM // 18:33   #102
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I went to Best Buy again today and as I walked in, someone was stocking new games in the software section. I walked up excitedly to see if the pre-order package was on her cart, but all I saw was D&D and another Sims add-on. I looked around and didn't see it on any of the shelves. I finally asked the girl stocking the games and she had no idea what I was talking about. She offered to look it up for me, but I told her no thanks. I doubt she would've been able to shed any more light on it anyway.
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Old Mar 02, 2006, 06:54 PM // 18:54   #103
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My wife did some checking around (she's so good to me) and after visiting 4 different chains she was told by GameStop that they expect to have it 03/08/06. Sounds like it shipped on 02/28, not available then.
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Old Mar 09, 2006, 09:31 PM // 21:31   #104
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Originally Posted by ump
Maybe this is a silly question, but does the prerelease package actually get you a copy of the game? The reason I ask is because Best Buy is advertising for $39.99 which is $10 cheaper than I expected the actual game to be. Plus you get a few extra gimmicks like exclusive items for new professions and the chance to play it a day earlier than most. It seems like a good deal, but I usually don't preorder anything, which is the reason for my original question.
I checked again online and Best Buy updated their prices to $49.99. However, I probably would have expected to pay the extra $10 later when I would try to pick up the game.
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Old Mar 09, 2006, 09:33 PM // 21:33   #105
Furnace Stoker
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not in store yet but i saw on different websites that there is a Faction CE offered at $69 dollars.
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